
多言語対応 Multi Language Support



Monster GO DJ is sold in more than 15 countries so far: Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, Dubai, U.S., Mexico and Germany etc. In order to extend GO-DJ to the global market, multi-language support is inevitable so that more users can enjoy our product. In regards to the file name and tag information, GODJ can support almost all languages in the world: English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, and Arabic and Hebrew. In the last two languages, characters are written in opposite direction (right to left) and made implementation difficult.  

As strong requests from South America and China, we implemented language option for Spanish and Chinese that changes characters in command or option menu. Here is the Chinese display.


タイムアライメント Time Alignment


DEVICE(3)にあるTime alignmentというオプションでこの機能を有効にする事ができます。実際に運転席に座った状態でListening positionとVolume balanceを調整してみて下さい。必ずしっくりくるポジションが見つかります。

Before bringing GO-DJ to the car audio market, we developed a very useful function that all drivers will appreciate. Since a driver's seat can be both either on the left or right side in the car, there is a time lag between left and right speakers to driver's seat. In this situation, sounds may be distorted or indiscernible in a certain frequency band. Adjusting the volume balance of left and right speaker does not solve this problem. Using advanced use of DSP technology implemented in the GO-DJ, the time alignment function developed for the car audio market solves this issue by inserting a delay to either left or right output. Now you can create best listening environment to the driver's seat (or the assistant driver's seat!).

You can enable this function using Time alignment option at DEVICE(3). Please control Listening position and Volume balance parameters while you sit at the driver's seat. Test it out and see what sounds best to you.
This function is also valid in high resolution audio mode. As of 2015, GODJ is the only portable player in the world that can apply the time alignment function to high resolution audio. We hope you enjoy!


カーオーディオ用設定 Setting for car audio

DEVICE(2)にあるWake up / shutdown on USB powerというオプションをONにすると、GODJはUSBポートの電圧を常時監視し、電力が来ていたらON、電力が無くなったらOFFという動作をするようになります。

またCONTROL(4)にあるResume last session on bootをLoad and Playにすると、起動時に前回再生していた曲を再開するようになります。GODJの電源を車のシガソケットから取りこれら2つの設定を行うと、エンジン始動でGODJが起動し自動で曲の再生がスタート、エンジン停止でGODJが自動でシャットダウン、という一般的なカーオーディオと同じような動作をさせることができます。

I'd like to introduce you a recommended setting when using GODJ in a car. In DEVICE(2), there is an option called Wake up / shutdown on USB power. When you set this option ON, GODJ starts monitoring a voltage on the USB port and turns on the system if there is a power.  It will turn off the system if there is no power coming to the USB port.

In addition to that, when you set Resume last session on boot option in CONTROL(4) to 'Load and Play`, GODJ will automatically resume play back to the point where your music stopped.  When these two options are activated, GO-DJ automatically begins playing music when the car ignition is on.  It will also stop playing when the ignition has stopped.  This replicates how all standard car audio systems operates.



GODJのライン出力にはアンプがついていないため、スピーカー側にアンプが必要になります。またミキサーに他の機器と一緒に接続した場合、若干出力が弱く感じられる事があります。そんな時に便利なアイテムがこちら、Fiio E6というポータブルアンプです。



ターンテーブル Turntable


バイナルモードでは再生開始時、再生停止時に実際のターンテーブルのトルクを再現した加速減速を行います。またオプション画面のCONTROL(6)にあるScratch sensitivityでスクラッチの感度を、Turntable torqueでターンテーブルのトルクを変更する事ができます。

GODJ has two turntable surfaces. Digital mode (left side of the image below) is designed for finding CUE points or beat matching, whereas Vinyl mode (right side of the image below) is designed for scratching. You can toggle these two modes by touching an icon located at top left corner of the screen. There is a lock function in the vinyl mode. Once you enable this switch, the vinyl screen never goes away. We implemented this function to meet requests from pro DJs who use GODJ for their scratch performance.

In the vinyl mode, the turntable emulates actual torque for acceleration and deceleration at start and stop playing respectively. You can change scratch sensitivity and turntable torque at CONTROL(6) of the option screen.


オートシンク Auto Sync

前回ご紹介したビートマッチングですが、GODJにはこれを自動でやってくれる機能があります。メイン画面にあるAUTO SYNCとスイッチをONにするとオートシンクという機能が有効になり、BPM合わせ、ビート位置合わせをGODJのアルゴリズムが勝手にやってくれます。


最新バージョンではピッチベンドを実行するとAUTO SYNCが自動でOFFになります。BPM合わせは自動で行い、ビート位置合わせは手動で行うという流れを想定した仕様になります。

With regard to the beat matching introduced in the previous post, GODJ has a function to does this routine automatically. When you swipe AUTO SYNC switch to ON, the auto sync function is enabled. While the auto sync is enabled, an algorithm implemented on GODJ proceeds BPM adjustment and beat position adjustment without any operations.

We understand there are arguments both for and against the auto sync but, if you skip this time consuming process, then you can spend more time for selecting music, equalizer, or mixing.

In the latest firmware, AUTO SYNC is turned OFF once you operate the pitch bend. We assume that this function works better for users who want to skip BPM adjustment but want to perform beat position adjustment by themselves.


ビートマッチング Beat Matching


「ビート位置合わせ」はピッチベンドを使います。音楽再生中にアークセレクタをCUE CLEARの位置に移動させるとターンテーブルが下図のようなピッチベンドコントローラになります。

この状態でターンテーブル上部の紫色の部分をタッチするとその曲のスピードがわずかに下がり、下部の青色の部分をタッチするとわずかに上がります。操作しているトラックのビート位置が反対側のトラックに対して早いと感じた場合は上を、遅いと感じた場合は下をタッチしてビート位置を微調整します。この変化量はオプションメニューにて1%~16%の範囲で設定する事ができます。またPITCH LOCKを有効にしておくとピッチベンド中も音程が一定に保たれます。


TrA: 1234 1234
TrB: 2341 2341
TrA: 1234 1234
TrB: 1234 1234

Today in this post I'd like to talk about beatmatching. Operations for beat matching are classified into two groups: BPM adjustment and beat position adjustment. Since GODJ automatically analyzes the BPM for each music file, BPM adjustment is very easy as long as the results are correct. All you have to do is to adjust the BPM value (1) to the same value of the other track using tempo slider (2).

You can perform beat position adjustment using a pitch bend function. While playing a music file, the turntable changes its surface to pitch bend controller shown below when you place the arc selector at CUE CLEAR position.

In this mode, when you touch the top purple area, the speed goes down a little, when you touch the bottom blue area, the speed goes up a little. If you feel the beat position of the track being controlled is faster than the opposite track, touch the top area, and if you feel it is slower, touch the bottom area to adjust beat position. In the option menu, you can change the pitch bend depth between 1% and 16%. Pitch lock is applied to pitch bend too if you set the pitch lock switch on.  

You can skip the playing position back or forth for 1 beat by touching the gray area at left and right side of the pitch bend controller. Using this function you can correct situations where the beat is matched but the beat count is not aligned.

(For Example)
TrA: 1234 1234
TrB: 2341 2341
In this situation, when you touch the left area of the pitch bend controller of the TrB. 

The playing position of the TrB goes back for 1 beat. Then it will adjust to:
TrA: 1234 1234
TrB: 1234 1234

Advanced Tip:  You may also adjust the BPM by placing on finger on the Tempo Slider and turning the Function knob respective to the appropriate track side. (TrA / TrB)


クロスフェーダー Crossfader

GODJの中央部にはクロスフェーダーがついています。このクロスフェーダーが左にある時はTrAの音が、真ん中にある時はTrAとTrBの音が、右にある時はTrBの音がLINE OUTに出力されます。一般的なミキサー同様、GODJもクロスフェーダーのカーブを変更する事ができます。それがこちら、CONTROL(1)にあるCrossfader modeというオプションです。

このオプションにはGODJ特有の面白いモードがあります。それがEQ Crossfader modeです。このモードにすると、クロスフェーダーはボリュームではなくイコライザを制御するようになります。



Located on the bottom center of your GO-DJ is your Crossfader. When the crossfader is at left, TrA is output to LINE OUT. When the crossfader is in the middle, both TrA and TrB are output to LINE OUT. Like any other general mixer, you can change the crossfader curve by accessing your options screen. You will find the option named 'Crossfader mode' shown at CONTROL(1).

There is a very unique mode in this option called the 'EQ Crossfader' mode. In this mode, the crossfader controls equalizer instead of the volume.

The following three images show how TrA equalizer works.

When you move the crossfader from left to right, TrA equalizer starts from 0dB, then goes down in the order of Low, Mid, High. On the other hand, TrB equalizer goes up in the order of High, Mid, Low. The timing and speed of each equalizer band are programmed the same way that world famous performing DJs use to operate. This technique has been simplified so that even a beginner can control the equalizer as if he or she is a pro DJ. In addition to that, since you can control the equalizer without opening the equalizer screen, you can concentrate more on the beat matching and/or music selection.





Yesterday we introduced you a new and cool way to mount your GO-DJ.  Actually we did want to clarify one little drawback that we noticed.  The product originally called UCS-10 was intended to secure the camera but we have noticed that a little force on the head portion does give you stable hold.  Luckily we have a little tweaking solution to solve that.  See below on instructions to correct this!

1.  First remove the small screw pictured as ①. 2.  Remove the knob pictured as  ② that secures the head. 3.  Then I will take a small piece of rubber as shown as ③ and place it in the area pictured as ④. 
Note:  We highly recommend using Rubber for placement as it will drastically reduce any shaking or loose ends for the stand
. You may often find extra pieces of rubber from additional ear bud pieces found when you purchase in-ear headphones but any small rubber piece will do.  It is super easy and highly effective to ensure you have a stable stand to go along with your Monster GO-DJ.

Remember you can always purchase your GO-DJ from www.monstergodj.com if you don't already have one.

Good luck on your setup!









British Pub HUBのバーカウンター内にGODJを設置した時の写真がコチラ。いい感じでしょ。


CUE1をセットする Set CUE1

DJの基本操作のひとつにCUE出しというのがあります。その曲の先頭ビートや、ミックス開始のポイントを探す作業になります。GODJの場合、CUE1を先頭ビート(32拍の1拍目の先頭)に合わせるとAutoSyncやBeat Illuminationの精度が劇的に向上しますので是非プレイ前に設定してみて下さい。以下CUE1設定のおおまかな流れをご紹介します。

(1) メイン画面でアークセレクタをCUE1~CUE4上に置く
(2) ターンテーブルを指でなぞって回転させ目視であたりを付ける
(3) アークセレクタをCUE CLEARに移動 → 波形が拡大されサーチモードに入ります
(4) ターンテーブルを指でなぞって微調整する → サーチモードでは波形がゆっくり動きます
(5) CUEボタン(本体中央の物理ボタン)を押して音を確認する → (4)-(5)を繰り返す
(6) CUE1がすでに設定されている場合はCUE CLEARの位置でFUNCTIONノブを押す
(7) CUE1にアークセレクタを移動しFUNCTIONノブを押す → CUE1がクリアされます
(8) もう一度CUE1上でFUNCTIONノブを押せばセット完了です

Option画面のCONTROL(4)の一番下にAuto cueというオプションがあり、これをOFF以外にしておくとファイルロード時に自動で曲の先頭の無音をスキップしてくれます。先頭にビートがある曲の場合は(1)~(4)が省略できるためCUE1の設定が非常に楽になります。こちらの機能もぜひお試し下さい。

Setting CUE points are one of the fundamental operations for DJs. DJs have to search the first beat of the music or mixing point for the transition. For GODJ, setting CUE1 at the first beat (1st beat of the 32-beat) dramatically increases an accuracy of Auto Sync or Beat Illumination. I would strongly recommend you to set CUE1 prior to your play. Here I'd like to introduce general steps for setting the CUE1.

(1) In the main screen, place the arc selector between CUE1 to CUE4.
(2) Swipe the turntable to move the waveform to see the right position.
(3) Move the arc selector to CUE CLEAR position -> Waveform is enlarged and enter to the search mode
(4) Swipe the turntable to adjust the position -> In the search mode, waveform goes slowly
(5) Press CUE button (hardware button at the middle of GODJ) to confirm the sound -> Iterate (4) and (5) until done
(6) When CUE1 is already set, press FUNCTION knob at the CUE CLEAR position
(7) Move the arc selector to CUE1 position and press the FUNCTION knob -> CUE1 is cleared
(8) Press the FUNCTION knob once more
You can set CUE2 - CUE4 in the same way.

There is an option named Auto cue at the CONTROL(4) in the option menu. When you set this option anywhere but OFF, GODJ will automatically skip all mute samples at the beginning of file while loading. For files that have first beat at the beginning, you can skip (1) through (4) and reduce your tasks to finding CUE1. Please try this option too.


ファイルリピート File Repeat

リピートの機能をもうひとつ。REP C1C2の下にあるREP FILEというボタン、こちらはファイル全体をリピート再生させる機能になります。ファイル前後にギャップのないループ音源を連続する場合などに便利な機能です。

プログレスバーは通常水色で曲の残り時間が30秒を切ったところで赤に変わるのですが、この機能が有効になっている時は常時緑色になります。放って置いても無音にならないよという意味です。またREP C1C2同様、この設定もファイル毎に内部データベースに保存されます。

There is another repeat function. The button labeled REP FILE located at next to the REP C1C2 enables repeat play for entire file. This function is useful for playing loop files which do not have gap at head nor tail.

A color of the progress bar is light blue in normal and turns to red when the remaining time is less than 30 seconds. Once you set this function enabled, the color becomes to green. This means that even if you leave GODJ without any operations, it will not stop music. Likewise REP C1C2, this setting is saved in the internal database for each file.


ホットキューリピート Hot Cue Repeat


(1) リピートさせたい区間の先頭にCUE1を設定する
(2) 終了ポイントを探す(32 ビートジャンプ機能がお勧め!)
(3) 終了ポイントにCUE2を設定する
(4) REP C1C2を有効にする


Today I'd like to introduce the CUE repeat function. In addition to the general beat length based loop, GODJ has a function to repeat a section defined by HOT CUE. This function is very useful for using GODJ as a background music player for events or personal broadcasting.

Followings are steps to set this up.
(1) Set CUE1 at the start point of the repeat section
(2) Search the end point (32-beat jump is highly recommended)
(3) Set CUE2 at the end point of the repeat section
(4) Enable REP C1C2
This is an example for CUE1 and CUE2 but, you can also use CUE3 and CUE4 to define the section.

Once you set the cue repeat, you will see a rectangle that indicates the repeat section on the progress bar. It simply jumps to the CUE1 position when the current position is reached to the CUE2 thus, you can set the section at the end of music in order to launch auto loop prior to its transition. This repeat settings are stored in the database for each file, so you can prepare this move in advance.


ビートレーダー Beat Radar



A set of three dots on the turntable of GODJ as shown below is called the 'Beat Radar'. They rotate according to the BPM of the current playing music and round a circle for every 4 beats. When you set CUE1 at the head beat (the 1st beat of 4-beat), the Beat Radar starts rotating from 12 O'clock position by the first beat. In this case, you can easily observe beat synchronization between TrA and TrB by your eyes.

When looping, the internal and external dot moves separately. The internal dot indicates current playing position while the external dot indicates current looping position. Thus if you release the loop when these two dots are at the same position, you can easily identify and align a good beat position after the loop ends.


ヘッドフォンアウト Headphone Out





GODJ has two output jacks, the LINE OUT and PHONES. When DJing, speakers are connected to the LINE OUT jack and a headphone is connected to PHONES jack. Now you can monitor your next music without outputting its sound to the speakers. This is the most significant difference between GO-DJ and DJ apps found in the Apple iTunes Store / Google Play Store.

By clicking each VOLUME knob, you can control the output for the headphone sources from TrA or TrB, or destination to right or left channel. Do you know what happens if you click both VOLUME-A and VOLUME-B at same time?

Answer: It switches to LINE OUT sound immediately

In this mode, you can hear the exact same sound as the LINE OUT by the headphone so that you can confirm how the crossfader or effectors are applied to the LINE OUT.


ビートイルミネーション Beat Illumination


特に何もしなくてもBPM、ビート位置、曲の構成を解析していい感じに光ってくれますが、CUE1を小節の先頭(32拍の1拍目)に合わせると精度が高まります。モードはFancyとExtremeの2つがあり、バラードやメロウ系はFancyでしっとりと、EDMやHipHopはExtremeでがっつりやるのがオススメです。またMotionLoop、SlipLoopを掛けた場合(00:38あたり)はループ区間に合わせて光ります。DJプレイの最中にこの機能で遊ぶのも面白いですが、一番のオススメはやはりカーステレオですね。Beat Illumination + AutoDJでの夜のドライブは最高です。

A new function named Beat Illumination has been implemented in a new firmware released on 2015/3/3. This function controls back light mounted on both screens and LEDs located in the middle of GODJ. I took a video here to show you.

Without any configurations, GODJ analyzes BPM, beat grid, and structure of music to control the brightness nicely.  Setting up CUE1 position at the head beat of the music (1st beat of 32 beats) increases accuracy. There are two modes available. Fancy is for ballad or mellow while Extreme is for EDM or Hip Hop. When you perform the motion loop or slip loop, the GODJ back light illuminates and LEDs synchronized with the loop range. Of course you can enjoy this function while you are DJing but we recommend this function for car stereos. An evening drive with Beat Illumination plus AutoDJ gives you awesome driving music experience.


プレイリスト Playlist




You can make playlists on GODJ. Using a keyboard screen shown below, you can freely name each playlist.

In order to add a sound file to the playlist, pick up the file, open the file property window, then touch an icon at top right corner. GODJ operates this sequence very quickly so you can add many files stress free.

Once you select the playlist as a target set of AutoDJ, you can keep listening to your favorite music mixed in AutoDJ mode.


4隅のタッチ 4 corners touch





となっています。これによりエフェクトを掛けるトラックをAのみ、Bのみ、AB両方、のいずれかから選択する事ができます。そして実はこのエフェクトの切り替え、ディレイエフェクトの場合はFX SELECTによる切り替えとは少し違った効果が生まれます。FX SELECTによる切り替え場合は瞬間的にエフェクトが切れるのに対し、タッチによる切り替えの場合は残響が残ります。場面によって使い分けてみるのもいいかも知れません。

Following functions are allocated at 4 corners of the GODJ's screen.

Bottom Left: Slide the screen to left (File Browser)
Bottom Right: Slide the screen to right (Equalizer)
Top Left: Move the screen to the main screen. If it is already main screen, switch between digital and vinyl turntables.

They are basic functions and are well known but, do you know what happens by touching the top right corner?

Top Right: Toggle Effects

Using this function, you can route sound effects to Track A only, to Track B only or to both Track A and Track B.  Actually, only for the delay effect, switching by touch produces slightly different effect from switching by FX SELECT. FX SELECT immediately turns off the delay effect whereas touch leaves sound until the sound is attenuated. You can choose the right method depending on the context.


実験 An experiment

今日はGODJを使ってこんな実験をしてみました。PHONESの出力をLINE INへつなぎ、LINE INはTrBに割り当てる。TrAに音源をロードして再生した場合、LINE OUTにはどんな音が出るでしょう?

TrAで再生された音はまずLINE OUTとPHONESの両方から出ます。PHONESから出た音はLINE INに入りTrBを経由して再びLINE OUTとPHONESへ。そう、これでディレイ回路が出来上がるのです。トラックボリュームでディレイレベルが、TrBのピッチベンドでディレイタイムが変わります。またTrBのイコライザをいじるとディレイ成分にフィルタをかける事ができます。さらにフェイザーやフランジャーをかけてごちゃごちゃな音にする事も可能です。DJとは関係ないですが、GODJは高度なエフェクタにもなりますよ、というお話でした。

Today, I conducted an experiment using GODJ like this. I connected PHONES and LINE IN using a cable, assign LINE IN to TrB. Do you know what kind of sound come out from LINE OUT when I start playing TrA?

The sound played at TrA firstly goes out to both LINE OUT and PHONES. The sound from PHONES goes through to LINE IN and goes out to LINE OUT and PHONES again. Yes, we could make a delay circuit by this method. You can change the delay level using the track volume and change delay time by the pitch bend function on TrB. 

Also, you can apply filter to delay sound using the three band equalizer on TrB. In addition to that, you can apply other effectors such as phaser and flanger to make more abstract sounds. Actually this is not related to DJ but, I just want to say that GODJ works as a sophisticated effector as well.