

本体中央にあるBEAT LEDの色でGODJの現在の状態がわかります。
(1) 消灯   → パワーオフ
(2) 赤点滅  → 充電中
(3) 緑点滅  → 充電完了
(4) 水色点灯 → スタンバイ中(起動はしているけど画面だけを消してじっとしてる状態)
(5) 紫    → 解析中
(6) 青点滅  → 再生中(ビートのタイミングで点滅します)
(7) 赤点滅  → Auto Syncが有効だけどまだ同期できていない(頑張ってるとこ)
(8) 緑点滅  → Auto Syncが有効で同期できた

一度にたくさんの音源データを入れた場合は解析に時間がかかりますので、一度GODJの電源を切り(ここ重要)、付属のACアダプタ等で充電をして下さい。GODJはこっそりと起動し未解析のファイルをせっせと解析します。この時BEAT LEDが紫色に点滅している事を確認して下さい。点滅が緑(満充電)または赤(充電中)になったら解析完了です。数千曲を入れても一晩置けば大丈夫でしょう。

BEAT LEDs located in the center of GODJ tells you a current status of GODJ.
(1) No Lights: Powered Off
(2) Blinking in Red: Charging
(3) Blinking in Green: Fully Charged
(4) Light blue: Stand-by (GODJ is waking up from sleep mode and remains idle)
(5) Purple: Analyzing
(6) Blinking in blue: Tracks are playing
(7) Blinking in red: Auto sync is on and processing synchronization.
(8) Blinking in green: Auto sync is on and successfully synchronized.

Note:  When loading in lots of music all at one, you may experience a lengthy wait for all the files to complete BPM analysis.  We highly recommend that you Turn off GO DJ and charge the GO DJ using the supplied AC Adaptor and/or USB port.  When charging, GO DJ is able to analyze all the files.

-When the BEAT LED is blinking Purple, that means that BPM analysis is currently being processed.
-When the BEAT LED color is Green, this indicates that GO DJ is either fully charged and/or that BPM analysis has been completed successfully.

Tip:  After you have loaded in thousands of new songs onto your GODJ, let it charge overnight and BPM analysis will be complete by the time you wake up!

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