
ファイル画面の情報 Information at file browser



This is a file browser screen. There are a list of mp3 files shown there. Do you know what icons at the left side of each file stand for?

The rectangle with A and B letter indicates that the file is loaded to TrA or TrB. In this example, TONY is loaded to TrB and CLOUD is loaded to TrA. Colored vertical lines and dots, they are very useful. The colored vertical lines indicate which CUE point is set to the file. In this example, there is no CUE point set for TONY yet, several CUE points are set for YEYE and SIESTA, and only CUE1 (defined as blue) is set for CLOUD. So you can immediately know which file is ready to play and which file needs preparation. The dots under the colored vertical lines indicates a number of times you have already played this file. You know TONY is not played yet, ELEVATION is played three times. Once you reset this dots counter before you start playing DJ, you can prevent your performance from mistakes that you play same song twice.



I suspect that most of GODJ users don't know that GODJ can connect with other DJ devices via USB. As you know GODJ can connect with PC/Mac via USB and transfer music files but GODJ is also recognized by other DJ devices such as the Pioneer CDJ-2000 Nexus as a USB device. In short, CDJ's equipped with USB ports can play back music files in the GODJ directly. You can enjoy music or grasp mixing using GODJ everyday.  You can use CDJs at the live stage and if anything were to go wrong, you'll be safe since GODJ works as your backup system.


昨日ご紹介したオプションメニュのDEVICE(1)にはMicrophone typeというオプションがあります。これは本体下部にあるMIC入力端子の機能を制御するオプションです。


Yesterday, I introduced DEVICE(1) tag in the option menu page. In the same page, there is another option named 'Microphone type'. This option controls a function of MIC jack located at the bottom of GODJ.

As you know, there are two types of microphone. The small one used as a headset or pin mic is called condenser type whereas the big one used in Karaoke system is called dynamic mic. We need to set the connecting device properly because their electric characteristics are different. You need to select either Condenser or Dynamic when you use microphone with GODJ.
There is another candidate named Line at the right most side. When you select this option, you can connect an external music device at Mic jack. Under this mode, when you connect two music devices to Line-In and Mic-In respectively, GODJ works as 2-channel digital mixer.


ライン入力のアンプ Amplifier at Line-in

さて、以前ご説明したライン入力ですが、GODJのLINE INの回路にはアンプがついてまして、オプションメニューで調整する事ができます。DEVICE(1)にあるLine In amp volumeというオプションになります。


As I mentioned that GODJ has line-in function, GODJ also has an amplifier at the line-in circuit which is configurable by option menu. Pictured below is 'Line In amp volume' at DEVICE(1) menu.

If you feel that sound level coming from your iPhone or other audio players are not sufficient, you may shift the slider bar to the left. Then you will see the sound level goes higher when doing so. When you load the line-in onto the turntable, its waveform is changed according to the level that you configure and notifies you of the right level. You can record sound sources coming from a TV or radio very clearly with using recording function on the GODJ.


スーパープレイ Advanced Play

こちらはDJ Schedule1さんによるGODJのスーパープレイです。最新機能であるパッドシーケンサーとバイナル画面でのスクラッチを完璧に使いこなしています。すげー。

Here is an advanced user named DJ Schedule1 (https://www.facebook.com/schedule1live) performing on the GO DJ. He has perfectly mastered the drum pads, the loop pad sequencer, and scratching on the vinyl screen. Check out his skills!


音質について About sound quality


スマホやタブレットのようにオーディオLSIの先にスピーカーやらBluetoothモジュールやらを繋いでいると、それら一つ一つがノイズ源になってしまいます。GODJはこれらの要因を極力排除する事で極めてノイズの少ない音を作り出すことに成功しました。GODJの電源を入れた状態でヘッドフォンをLINE OUTジャックに差し込んでみると、一般的なポータブル機によくある「サー」というホワイトノイズが一切聞こえない事がわかると思います。

Today, I'd like to talk about sound quality. It's hard to explain its sound quality just saying 'It's good', I will introduce a concrete figure, S/N ratio (ratio between sound and noise). In spite of a portable audio player, GODJ has achieved 100dB S/N ratio that is equal to high end home audio systems. You know why we could do this? We implemented direct connection between the audio LSI and audio jack, and drew the electric circuit as short as possible. There is a great advantage of this dedicated audio player in terms of design freedom.

If there are other modules such as a speaker or a Bluetooth chip connected to the audio LSI, they tend to become noise sources one by one. GODJ eliminated those factors in order to achieve extremely low noise level. Once you insert your headphone to LINE OUT jack while GODJ is turned on, you will notice that there are no white noise coming out from GODJ where as most of general audio players produce.


2つの出力端子 Two output jacks

GODJの音声出力端子は2系統あります。本体上部にあるLINE OUT端子と本体下部にあるPHONES端子です。

この2つの出力端子には別々のオーディオLSIが使われており設計思想も異なります。LINE OUT端子はその先にアンプやミキサーが接続される事を想定し極めてノイズが少なくなるような設計になっています。一方でPHONES端子は大型のヘッドフォンが使われる可能性を考慮しドライブ能力が高くなるよう設計しました。これによりホールには高音質な音が、モニター用ヘッドフォンには聞き取りやすい音が出力されるようになっています。

GODJ has two output jacks. One is located at the top side, the LINE OUT, and the other one is located at the bottom size, the PHONES.

Two different types of audio LSI is allcated to these two output jacks and their design policy is different. We assume that either an amplifier or a mixer is connected to the LINE OUT jack, thus , we designed the circuit focusing on minimizing its noise level. On the other hand, we assume that users tend to connect large headphone to the PHONES jack, we designed the circuit to maximize its drive capability. As a result, you can output high quality sound to speakers for audiences, and can listen very powerful sound from the headphone for monitoring.


外部入力 External inputs

こちらはGODJのファイルブラウザ画面です。Windowsで言うところのマイコンピュータと言った所でしょうか、SDカードやGODJ Drive(本体の内蔵ドライブ)などがリスト表示されています。4行目と5行目にLine InとMic to Turntableという選択肢があり、ここを選ぶとライン入力やマイク入力をターンテーブルに割り当てる事ができます。

(1) スクラッチ
(2) ブレイク
(3) ループ
(4) ピッチベンド
(5) エフェクト
(6) 録音

GO DJ has a file browser screen that is similar to 'My Computer' on Windows. You can see SD card directory and the GODJ drive (the internal drive in GODJ). In the fourth and fifth line, there is also 'Line In' and 'Mic to Turntable.' You can load external inputs to the turntables by selecting these.

When external input is loaded on the turntable, GODJ provides the following functions to the incoming music.

(1) Scratch(2) Break(3) Loop(4) Pitch bend(5) Effects(6) Recording

When iPhone is connected to the Line In and loaded to the turntable, GODJ can playback the music coming from the iPhone with effecting or looping. Moreover GODJ can mix its own music by synchronizing with the incoming music. If you have a newer firmware version than '13865', GODJ can mix 4 different music sources, two from the "GODJ Drive"/ or SD Card and two from external sources (Line-In and Mic-In).


ファイル管理 File managements


For music players in general, software is usually bundled with the device.  A good example is iPods & iPhones since they require iTunes to transfer music.  The GO DJ is different since it does not require any bundled software.  This saves users from the following:  troublesome installation, long boot times, long authentication processes, synchronization, auto-updates, and etc.  GO DJ is recognized as an external drive over the USB by both PC and Mac; which allows you to 'drag and drop', copy, and create new folders.  GO DJ also works as a SD card reader. Because of the SD Slot inside the GO DJ, users can insert an SD card and have it recognized as an external drive.


最新のプロモーションビデオ The latest promotion video.


Here is the latest promotion video for GODJ. GODJ is actually being used at clubs and outside streets in all over the world. We took captured these events and created this video!


GODJのシステムについて About GODJ System

(1) 起動時間が早い
(2) 動作が安定している
(3) ハードウェアからのレスポンスが速く確実

Although the GODJ does not run on Android or iOs, it does run on its own application. One single application is managing all the operations including boot sequences through playing back music.  Developing such applications takes extreme amounts of hard work but there are many advantages to running your system without the need for an OS.
(1) Faster boot times
(2) More stability
(3) Shorter delay times from the hardware
From the moment you press the power button, GODJ takes only two seconds to power on and play music.  Since there is no other applications running on the system, GODJ is very stable and will never crash or freeze.  By directly monitoring all hardware elements such as touch panels and knobs, GO DJ operates under very short delay times between the hardware and software.  For example, a delay time for a sampler pad (the duration between touch and sound coming out) is incomparable with Android or iOs based Apps.


スタンバイモードについて About Stand-by Mode

When you press the power button for less than one second, GODJ will enter Stand-by mode. When in Stand-by mode, the LCD screens are turned off and all operations except for the crossfader become locked.  GODJ will continue playing the music when in stand-by mode. This will conserve your battery energy and extend up to 24 hours on a full charge (One charge lasts 12 hours when GO DJ is fully awake).  Stand-by mode is useful when you want GODJ to mix automatically when in AutoDJ mode.



本体中央にあるBEAT LEDの色でGODJの現在の状態がわかります。
(1) 消灯   → パワーオフ
(2) 赤点滅  → 充電中
(3) 緑点滅  → 充電完了
(4) 水色点灯 → スタンバイ中(起動はしているけど画面だけを消してじっとしてる状態)
(5) 紫    → 解析中
(6) 青点滅  → 再生中(ビートのタイミングで点滅します)
(7) 赤点滅  → Auto Syncが有効だけどまだ同期できていない(頑張ってるとこ)
(8) 緑点滅  → Auto Syncが有効で同期できた

一度にたくさんの音源データを入れた場合は解析に時間がかかりますので、一度GODJの電源を切り(ここ重要)、付属のACアダプタ等で充電をして下さい。GODJはこっそりと起動し未解析のファイルをせっせと解析します。この時BEAT LEDが紫色に点滅している事を確認して下さい。点滅が緑(満充電)または赤(充電中)になったら解析完了です。数千曲を入れても一晩置けば大丈夫でしょう。

BEAT LEDs located in the center of GODJ tells you a current status of GODJ.
(1) No Lights: Powered Off
(2) Blinking in Red: Charging
(3) Blinking in Green: Fully Charged
(4) Light blue: Stand-by (GODJ is waking up from sleep mode and remains idle)
(5) Purple: Analyzing
(6) Blinking in blue: Tracks are playing
(7) Blinking in red: Auto sync is on and processing synchronization.
(8) Blinking in green: Auto sync is on and successfully synchronized.

Note:  When loading in lots of music all at one, you may experience a lengthy wait for all the files to complete BPM analysis.  We highly recommend that you Turn off GO DJ and charge the GO DJ using the supplied AC Adaptor and/or USB port.  When charging, GO DJ is able to analyze all the files.

-When the BEAT LED is blinking Purple, that means that BPM analysis is currently being processed.
-When the BEAT LED color is Green, this indicates that GO DJ is either fully charged and/or that BPM analysis has been completed successfully.

Tip:  After you have loaded in thousands of new songs onto your GODJ, let it charge overnight and BPM analysis will be complete by the time you wake up!


ブログはじめました New Blog

ポケットに入れて持ち歩けるポータブルDJシステム「Monster GODJ」の開発者によるブログです。開発開始からまる3年、ようやく納得のいく仕上がりになったMonster GODJの基本機能や裏技を少しずつ紹介していこうと思います。

This blog is brought to you by the Developers of Monster GODJ.  Here we will discuss news, tips, and tricks on the Monster GODJ; which is a portable DJ system that fits in your pocket.  Three years have passed since we first began developing this product and we are happy to share all the great reasons why Monster GODJ is right for you.  We will update little by little for now.